Payment & Shipping

Shipping costs within Germany

You pay a one-time fee of EUR 9,90 per order.

Payment method overview:

Advance paymentfree of charge
Paypal2,99% + 39 Ct. of the invoice value
Klarna2,99% + 35 Ct. of the invoice value




Shipping costs Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic

You pay a one-time fee of EUR 27.90 per order up to 30 kg.
If your order has a total weight of more than 30 kg, we reserve the right to do so address and adjust the shipping costs if necessary. In any case, you will advance bindingly informed about your total shipping costs.

Payment method overview:

Advance paymentfree of charge
Paypal2,99% + 39 Ct. of the invoice value
Sofortüberweisung.defree of charge





Shipping costs Italy, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary

You pay a one-time fee of EUR 33.90 per order up to 30 kg.
If your order has a total weight of more than 30 kg, we reserve the right to do so address and adjust the shipping costs if necessary. In any case, you will advance bindingly informed about your total shipping costs.

Payment method overview:

Advance paymentfree of charge
Paypal2,99% + 39 Ct. of the invoice value
Sofortüberweisung.defree of charge





Shipping costs Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Cyprus

You pay a one-time fee of EUR 36.90 per order up to 30 kg.
If your order has a total weight of more than 30 kg, we reserve the right to do so address and adjust the shipping costs if necessary. In any case, you will advance bindingly informed about your total shipping costs.

Payment method overview:

Advance paymentfree of charge
Paypal2,99% + 39 Ct. of the invoice value




Shipping costs worldwide

You pay a one-time fee of EUR 159.90 per order up to 30 kg.
Great Britain and Switzerland EUR 39.90, to Norway EUR 49.90.
If your order has a total weight of more than 30 kg, we reserve the right to do so address and adjust the shipping costs if necessary. In any case, you will advance bindingly informed about your total shipping costs.

Payment method overview:

Advance paymentfree of charge
Paypal5,98% + 39 Ct. of the invoice value